Student-Teacher Relationship

10 Keys To Building a Positive Student-Teacher Relationship

Authored by Dr. Leland Jaffe, Associate Dean, and Professor – Published on January 20, 2024

Transitioning into academia about 10 years ago has truly been such a rewarding experience, and it all centers around my relationships with the students. In the realm of education, the foundation of student success is built on the relationships developed between students and teachers. Strong relationships can significantly impact a student’s academic performance, personal development, and overall well-being. As educators, it is crucial to prioritize the cultivation of a supportive and encouraging learning environment. Here are 10 keys to building a positive student-teacher relationship:

Student-teacher relationship

1. Open Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful student-teacher relationship. Create an environment and safe space where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, concerns, and questions. Be an active listener and provide feedback that encourages further dialogue. As a teacher, I cannot underscore enough the critical role that effective communication plays in the student’s educational journey. Building a rapport with my students through open and transparent communication is the linchpin of a successful classroom dynamic.

Effective Communication is the Key to a Successful Student-Teacher Relationship

It goes beyond the mere dissemination of information; it establishes a foundation of trust and understanding. When I actively engage in dialogue, it creates an atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, asking questions, and sharing their concerns. This two-way communication not only enhances the learning experience but also allows me to tailor my teaching approach to cater to the unique needs of each student. It transforms the classroom into a collaborative space where I can guide, inspire, and support my students on their academic journey. I feel that excellent two-way communication ultimately will lead to better student performance and a higher level of student engagement. 

2. Establish Trust to Help Develop a Positive Student-teacher Relationship

Trust is the foundation of a positive student-teacher relationship. Demonstrate reliability, consistency, and honesty in your actions and words. When students trust their teachers, they are more likely to engage in the learning process with enthusiasm.  As a teacher, I recognize the profound significance of trust in cultivating a positive and effective learning environment. When students trust their teacher, they are more likely to engage in the learning process with enthusiasm, take risks, and embrace challenges, which has a positive impact on student success. Trust fosters a safe environment where students feel secure in expressing their thoughts and concerns, knowing that they will be listened to and understood, and more importantly not belittled. This sense of trust also allows me as an educator to provide constructive feedback, set high expectations, and guide students on their academic journey with confidence. 

3. Show Empathy

Understand that each student is unique, with their challenges and strengths. Show empathy by acknowledging their individual experiences and validating their feelings. This creates a supportive atmosphere where students feel understood and cared for and contributes to positive student-teacher relationships.  As an educator, my approach to fostering a supportive and empathetic learning environment centers around understanding and connecting with each student on a personal level. I make a conscious effort to create an atmosphere where students feel valued, heard, and accepted.

Demonstrate a True Interest in Students’ Well-Being

By actively listening to their concerns, thoughts, and questions, I demonstrate a genuine interest in their well-being and academic growth. I am attuned to the diverse needs and backgrounds of students in higher education, adapting my teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles and abilities. Additionally, I encourage open communication, providing a safe space for students to express themselves without fear of judgment. Whether through one-on-one interactions, class discussions, or written feedback, I consistently convey empathy by acknowledging their unique experiences and challenges. By recognizing and validating the emotions of my students, I aim to create a positive and inclusive educational environment that promotes not only academic success but also positive attitudes and emotional well-being.

4. Set Clear Expectations

Communicate academic expectations, classroom rules, and student behavior guidelines at the beginning of the school year. This helps create a structured learning environment and ensures that students are aware of what is expected of them, fostering a sense of security.   Setting clear expectations for students is paramount in fostering positive and productive student-teacher relationships. As an educator in higher education, I believe that clearly outlining what is expected of students is the best way to achieve success, providing them with a sense of direction and purpose.

Benefits of Setting Expectations on Developing a Positive Student-Teacher Relationship

When expectations are communicated effectively, students understand the standards to which they are held, empowering them to take ownership of their learning. This not only cultivates a sense of responsibility but also builds trust once again between educators and students. Moreover, setting expectations promotes a fair and consistent approach to assessments, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. By establishing a foundation of clear expectations, we create a supportive atmosphere that encourages collaboration, engagement, and a shared commitment to positive student outcomes.

5. Celebrate Successes

Acknowledge and celebrate both small and significant student achievements. Recognizing students for their efforts and accomplishments builds confidence and is a good way to reinforce positive behavior, creating a motivating atmosphere within the classroom.  Far too often, students are used to just being reprimanded for poor outcomes or behavior issues.  We cannot forget about positive reinforcement as well, which can have a significant positive effect on students’ school performance.  

I consistently employ a combination of immediate positive reinforcement and individualized recognition to nurture a positive learning environment. Using verbal praise, I make a point to acknowledge and celebrate students’ achievements, whether academic, professional, or personal. Additionally, I model the positive behavior I wish to see, creating a tangible example for students to follow. By fostering a culture of positivity, celebrating both individual and collective successes, and consistently recognizing and rewarding positive actions, I aim to contribute to a classroom where students feel motivated, supported, and eager to engage in positive behavior.

6. Provide Constructive Feedback

Student-teacher relationship

Offer constructive feedback that focuses on improvement rather than criticism. Highlight strengths while suggesting areas for growth, fostering a growth mindset, and encouraging students to see challenges as opportunities for learning. An effective way to provide constructive feedback to students is to focus on specific, actionable, and positive aspects of their work. Begin by acknowledging the strengths and achievements in their performance, highlighting what they have done well. Then, gently introduce areas for improvement, framing them as opportunities for growth rather than shortcomings.

Use clear and specific language, providing examples and explaining the rationale behind your suggestions. Encourage open communication by inviting students to share their thoughts and concerns, as this helps develop mutual respect. Additionally, offer practical and achievable steps for improvement, ensuring the feedback is constructive and guides them toward success. By fostering a supportive and encouraging environment, students are more likely to embrace feedback as a valuable tool for their development.  

7. Be Approachable

Approachability is key to establishing a positive rapport. Create an atmosphere where students feel comfortable approaching you with questions or concerns. A friendly demeanor and a welcoming attitude are some of the best ways to build trust.   Teachers can enhance their approachability to students through various means, creating an environment that encourages open communication and trust. One effective strategy is to establish a friendly and welcoming demeanor. Greeting students with a warm smile and eye contact, engaging in casual conversations, and expressing genuine interest in their lives can break down barriers and make teachers more approachable.

Additionally, being available outside of class hours, whether through scheduled office hours or online communication platforms, allows students to seek help or clarification when needed. Encouraging questions and actively listening to students’ concerns without judgment fosters a sense of support. Moreover, incorporating relatable examples and anecdotes into lessons helps bridge the gap between teacher and student, making the learning experience more enjoyable and approachable. By adopting these approaches, teachers can create a positive and inclusive atmosphere that can promote positive teacher-student relationships. 

8. Personalized Learning

Recognize and accommodate diverse learning styles and preferences of individual students. Tailor your teaching methods to meet individual needs, promoting a sense of inclusivity and ensuring that every student feels valued and understood.  This teaching style is beneficial at the elementary school level, high school, and into higher education as well to help with student achievement. Recognizing the unique strengths, interests, and learning styles of each student, I attempt to cater my instructional methods and content to meet their individual needs.

By fostering a student-centered environment, I encourage learners to take an active role in their education, allowing them to set goals, explore topics that resonate with their passions, and progress at their own pace. Leveraging technology and diverse resources, I provide a dynamic and adaptable learning experience, ensuring that each student receives the support and challenges necessary for optimal growth. 

9. Encourage Student Autonomy

Foster independence and responsibility by giving students opportunities to make choices within the learning process. Empowering students to take ownership of their education instills a sense of pride and accountability.  When students are given the freedom to navigate their learning journey, they learn to take ownership of their decisions and actions. Inevitably, this newfound independence also opens the door to making mistakes.

However, these errors become valuable student learning experiences, contributing to the development of resilience. The process of making mistakes teaches students to adapt, problem-solve, and persevere in the face of challenges. It instills in them a sense of resilience, as they learn that setbacks are not failures but growth opportunities. This autonomy and the ability to learn from mistakes not only enhance academic skills but also foster emotional development.  

10. Stay Positive and Enthusiastic

Your attitude sets the tone for the classroom. Maintain a positive and enthusiastic demeanor, even in the face of challenges. A positive teacher can inspire students, making the learning experience more enjoyable and impactful. When I approach my teaching with enthusiasm, encouragement, and optimism, it sets a contagious tone in the classroom. My positive outlook motivates students to engage more actively in the learning process.

By expressing genuine excitement about the subject matter and showcasing my passion for teaching, I aim to instill a sense of curiosity and critical thinking in my students. This positive teacher-student interaction not only fosters a more enjoyable learning environment but also boosts students’ confidence in their abilities. When students feel supported and encouraged, they are more likely to take risks, ask questions, and explore new ideas. Ultimately, a positive attitude creates a ripple effect, inspiring students to approach challenges with resilience and a belief in their potential.

Building a Positive Student-Teacher Relationship – Conclusion

Building a positive student-teacher relationship is a dynamic and ongoing process. By prioritizing open communication, trust, empathy, and a student-centered approach, educators can create a supportive learning environment that nurtures academic achievement, personal growth, and good relationships between teachers and students. These 10 keys serve as a foundation for fostering positive relationships that can positively impact students long after they leave the classroom.

Fellow educators, what are strategies that you employ to build and maintain a positive and productive relationship with your students? Please comment below!